On it, you see 1 Bacon Soup (24), and that's all that's worth noting of this room. Open the next door you find and inside, you'll find a desk. Interact with the organ 5 times for an achievement and proceed to the right. Inside is an organ and you can interact with it, creating an ominous note followed by a muffled scream.

Head back to the recording room, but make a left through the open shutter door, then proceed to enter the door on the right of the hall. In total, you need 9 (5 in front and 4 in back) and once you've done this, you can proceed. Repeat this a few times before leaving the recording room, going back through the main room, and back into the projectionist's booth, where you should see multiple Bendy cutouts. Turn it back on, wait for it to stop playing the film reel, then interact with it again. Jump on the chair and look up to see that you can interact with the projector without having to run around the area. Now make your way to the wall that supports the projector room and you'll see a chair next to a barrel. Open the door and you'll be in the recording room where you'll find absolutely nothing of interest. Activate the projector and run downstairs, making right turns along the wall until you come to a closed door. Looking over the balcony, you'll see a lone Bendy cutout sitting in the orchestra section of the recording room. Upon entering the room you'll see 1 Audio Log (3) from Norman Polk and a projector. Once all the Searchers are killed (I counted 8 in total), the shutter door on the left of the main room will open however we want to go to the right and up the stairs. These guys are the basic enemies and while they aren't too tough with an axe in your hand, you can be overwhelmed if you're not careful. As you approach, however you'll meet our first real threat: Searchers. When you leave the stairwell you'll see 1 Audio Log (2), once again made by Sammy Lawrence, sitting on the left of the Music Department mural. Henry will mention that he has to drain the lower level first, so turn to your right and interact with the lever in the wall to restore power to the area. The lights won't be flashing so now it will open the shutter door.Ĭut down the barricade and make a sharp right down the stairs.

Once all 3 switches are flipped go back through the ink and interact with the machine again. While facing this box, turn around to see 2 more coffins, and on the right of that alcove is your 3rd and final box to open to reveal your final switch. Now retrace your steps through the ink and when you see your first Audio Log of the level, interact with the box on the right side of the room, located beside the "Train Trouble" poster, and interact with the switch. Interact with the machine with the 3 flashing lights on it, return to the flashing light where we found the horde of Bacon Soup cans and flip that switch. Grab the 20 Bacon Soups (23) from all 3 sections of the shelf (jumping and angling will be necessary!) and turn to your right. Once you make it to the other side look left and notice a flashing light on the wall.

Go down the hall to your left and follow it around, wading through the knee-high ink. On your right will be 1 Audio Log (1) from Sammy Lawrence. Run down the stairs and right beneath the wall where "He Will Set Us Free" is written you will find 3 Bacon Soups (3).